As 2018 starts to wind down
Holy Smokes 2018 has been another abundantly blessed year! I haven't really had very much time to update all the fun new things I have got to be a part of this year. We have added services to our business, made new friends, tried new things, learned new faces, and I have to say it has been my best year yet.
This summer business increased by about 25%, and this fall I saw a whopping 40% increase. So thank you so much to our loyal clients who are always cheerleading for our success and telling everyone they know about us. We literally run from word of mouth and great reviews and if we leave you happy, then we have done our job and I can't ask for much more, well maybe until next year when we plan to exceed your expectations again!
I was so blessed to be able to add two brand new kits to my lineup this year. One for birthday parties and one for corporate and large events and I love them both. Our goal is to always have a clean, hygienic and well just pretty to look at kit for your guests. Ever year my kits have grown and this year I can't imagine I can even top them.
As slow season comes to an end and I must admit I am a little physically worn down and maybe a little mentally too, I have to say I am also excited to get to spend all winter working on ways to make business better and bigger. I am excited to be able to attend 3 conventions this slow season and bring back all kinds of new faces, business ideas and techniques to you, our clients in 2019 as we celebrate 11 years of business, 11 years of being blessed in doing what we love.
This year I participated in my first body paint expo, along side of 13 other artist, I got to come out and just paint, paint my heart out and get to be proud of the product, I plan to write a whole blog about this in the upcoming weeks. It was an amazing business experience and the outcome was something I was able to say worked just like I wanted it to.
We are hoping to add airbrush clothing and expand our airbrush business all together for 2019. Since the 90's are so hot right now, there is no better time to work on airbrush tshirts.
It was such a good year and I really cannot thank my clients enough for all the support they have given me this year! Here is to an even bigger and brighter 2019!